University Team

Vladimir Vasilyev

  • Post
    Rector of ITMO University
    Chair of the Academic Council
  • Rank
  • Degree

Daria Kozlova

  • Post
    First Vice Rector
  • Rank
    Associate professor
  • Degree

Aliya Bagautdinova

  • Post
    Head of the Department of Academic Affairs
  • Rank
    Associate professor
  • Degree

Pavel Belov

Alexey Bobtsov

Denis Denisov

  • Post
    Head of the Administrative and Legal Department
    Head of the Office for Legal Support of Activities in the Fields of Education and Employment

Andrey Ivanov

  • Post
    Vice Rector for Economic and Financial Affairs
  • Rank
    Associate professor
  • Degree

Alexandra Kalashnikova

Aleksandr Kapitonov

Ilya Kuftiryov

Andrei Kulikov

Mikhail Kurushkin

Pavel Kuzmich

  • Post
    Advisor to the Rector on Questions of Security,
    Head of the Security Department

Sergey Makarov

Maria Marusina

Irina Melchakova

Vladimir Nikiforov

  • Post
    Vice Rector for Research
  • Rank
  • Degree

Vladimir Parfenov

Anton Pyrkin

Maria Skvortsova

  • Post
    Head of the Department of Higher-Qualification Staff Training
  • Degree

Alexey Slobozhanyuk

Andrey Yegorov

  • Post
    Director for Facilities Management and Development

Danil Zakoldaev

Andrey Zlenko

  • Post
    IT project manager
Map Building plans

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