University Structure

Scientific and Production Center "Precision Electromechanics"

Valentin Tomasov
  • Office phone
    +7 (812) 480-12-23;
    +7 (812) 480-12-24
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The Scientific and Production Center "Precision Electromechanics" produces high-precision gears, electromechanical systems, and control systems for traction electric drives, including the design, development, and manufacturing of energy-efficient bidirectional semiconductor converters. In 2000, the center became a leading company for Roscosmos in the field of motor controllers based on energy-efficient semiconductor converters and computer control systems for next-gen quantum and optical systems, as well as began to investigate, design, produce, and implement systems of digital precision controllers. The developed controllers are used as part of high-precision optoelectronic and laser complexes for space navigation and geodesy (the satellite navigation system GLONASS), as well as for space review and control, whereas precision electromechanical tracking systems based on the developments of the center’s specialists are implemented in space telescopes and quantum and optical systems at Russian cosmodromes and laser ranging monitoring and measuring sites.


  • Investigation, analysis, and synthesis of electro-mechanical systems with bidirectional power exchange, headed by Dr. Valentin Tomasov (September 2013 - September 2017).

Available equipment

  • Experimental test bench for power converters for distributed energy systems.


  • Bratchikov S., Abdullin A., Demidova G.L., Lukichev D.V. Development of Digital Twin for Robotic Arm // 19th IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, PEMC 2021 - 2021, pp. 717-723
  • Tomasov V.S., Usoltsev A.A., Moravets M., Shchepankovsky P., Stsheletsky R. Asymmetrical Modes in Polyphase Motors and Drives // Russian Electrical Engineering - 2021, Vol. 92, No. 7, pp. 351-360
  • Poliakov N., Demidova G.L., Zolov P.D., Vorobev K., Lukichev D.V., Strzelecki R. Distributed Energy Laboratory Concept Focused on Power Electronics Units // 11th International Conference on Electromechanical and Energy Systems, SIELMEN 2021 - 2021, pp. 387-392
  • Lovlin S., Tsvetkova M., Abdullin A., Abramchuk M., Lukichev D. Numerical Method of Optimization in Robust Control of Robotic and Mechatronic Complex Systems // 28th International Workshop on Electric Drives: Improving Reliability of Electric Drives, IWED 2021 - 2021, pp. 9376338
  • Tomasov V.S., Usoltsev A., Vertegel D., Szczepankowski P., Strzelecki R. Asymmetric modes in multiphase electric drives // 11th International Conference on Electrical Power Drive Systems, ICEPDS 2020 - 2020, pp. 9249085
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