University Structure

Aleksandra Vatian
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Faculty of Telecommunication Systems and Technologies (the former name of the Faculty of Infocommunication Technologies) was established on December 17, 2010, by the initiative group of employees who have extensive experience in implementing of infotelecommunication projects of federal and regional significance since 1994.

Among such projects are:

  • Development of the concept, creation, development and operation of the Federal University computer network RUNNet;
  • Creation, development and operation of a system of remote access for rural schools in Russia to informational and educational resources;
  • Design of the concept, creation, development and operation of a high-speed network of educational institutions of St. Petersburg;
  • Development of the ITMO University information environment and the creation of "e-University ITMO".

Moreover, in the implementation of programs of additional professional education built on authorized courses world's leading vendors (Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, IBM, HP, Intel, Novell, etc.) and author courses of professors on current issues of network administration, operating systems, databases and programming for the design and creation of the various applications.

On September 1, 2011, the Faculty started training IT-professionals, including both Bachelor's and Master's students.

The main directions of the professional activity of graduates are

  • Telecommunication Systems
  • Communication Network and Switching Systems
  • Intelligent Networks and Communications Systems
  • Intelligent Information Systems
  • Centralized Data Processing Systems in Infocommunicational Networks
  • Multimedia Technologies
  • Methods of Transmission and Distribution of Information in Telecommunication Systems and Networks
  • Protection of Information in Telecommunication Systems
  • Means of Metrological Support of Telecommunication Systems and Networks
  • Methods of Managing Local and Distributed Systems, Data Processing and Storage
  • Management and Marketing in Telecommunications.


There is an equipment for educational process on the Faculty

  • Lecture halls equipped with modern presentation equipment
  • Computer classes, combined into a single network with Internet access and equipped with modern computers with projection equipment and interactive whiteboards
  • Licensed Software leading vendors: Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, HP, Cisco and others, allowing to provide training and to conduct research on modern IT- technologies
  • Specialized laboratories: Cisco, Microsoft, HP, IBM, Intel and others for teaching and research
  • Computer class of Local Academy Cisco
  • Computer class laboratory  of multichannel telecommunication systems
  • Processing center and data storage of IBM
  • Technology Center HPv of cloud computing.

HP software package, which includes modules: HP Service Manager, HP NNMi & Perf iSPI, HP Operations Manager, and provides support for escort service users, as well as monitoring hardware and software communication systems of the company.

The Faculty has an Authorized Training Center for IT-Technology, which provides training for authorized courses of leading western companies: Microsoft, Cisco, IBM, HP, Oracle, Novell and International Certification of IT-specialists.


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