Policy Compass

Partners: Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Angewandten Forschung EV

Summary: Programme Funding: FP7
Duration: From 01.10.2013 to 30.09.2016
Results: Developing a research prototype of tool for social networks and e-participation platforms, called the Policy Compass, enabling citizens and public officials to easily work with historical data from trusted open data sources.

The main goal of the project is to develop a research prototype of an easy-to-use, highly visual and intuitive tool for social networks and e-participation platforms, called the Policy Compass, enabling citizens and public officials to easily create, apply, share, embed, annotate and discuss causal models, charts and graphs of historical data from trusted open data sources. The aim is to develop methods and tools that facilitate more factual, evidence-based, transparent and accountable policy evaluation and analysis.The research question we want to address in the Policy Compass project is whether and how open public data, social media, e-participation platforms, fuzzy cognitive maps and argumentation technology can be integrated and applied to provide better tools on the World-Wide Web for constructing, sharing, visualising and debating progress metrics and causal models of policies.The Policy Compass will make better use of Europe's open public data resources and empower policy-makers and citizens (especially the younger generation) to better assess government policies in the policy analysis and monitoring phases of the policy cycle.

Programme topic: ICT-2013.5.4 - ICT for Governance and Policy Modelling
Project Reference: 612133
Type of funding scheme: Collaborative project (generic)
Budget: EUR 3 426 090


ITMO University Team

eGovernment Center

Dmitriy Trutnev, Depute Director of eGovernment Center

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