SMETHODS: SME’s Training and Hands-on in Optical Design and Simulation

Technische Universiteit Delft

Partners: Technische Universiteit Delft

Summary: Programme Funding: FP 7
Duration: From 01.09.2011 to 28.02.2014
Results: Provide professional assistance as well as hands-on training in a variety of design tasks on imaging optics, non-imaging optics, wave optics and diffraction optics.

Optical Design and Simulation have a tremendous potential to facilitate disruptive research and product innovation. Since optical systems are key components in a broad range of modern devices, optical design plays an essential role in the technology of the XXI-st century. To support European small and medium enterprises in gaining and keeping a leading position in optics and photonics, we propose the support action called «SME’s Training and Hands-on Practice in Optical Design and Simulation» (SMETHODS). The European consortium offering SMETHODS consists of 7 partners that are the most prominent academic institutions in optics in their countries. Through fully integrated collaborative training sessions, the consortium will provide professional assistance as well as hands-on training in a variety of design tasks on imaging optics, non-imaging optics, wave optics and diffraction optics. For each of these four training domains, 5-day training sessions will be given by several instructors from the consortium partners and by external speakers from industry. Nowadays there exists a strong demand for this kind of support action. Large companies have the resources to organize the necessary training courses internally, but SME’s lack such abilities. In the absence of systematic trainings such as SMETHODS, SME engineers often have to improve their professional abilities with less efficient autodidactic means. This training, which is unique in Europe, will fill the gap between academic courses given at universities and training activities provided by software producers that are focused on specific design software. In the first phase, SMETHODS will provide support activities to SMEs, researchers and companies during 30 months of EC financial support. During this period SMETHODS will, based on experience gained,consider how SMETHODS can continue to serve and support its users after EC funding has stopped.

Programme topic: ICT-2011.3.5 - Core and disruptive photonic technologies
Project Reference: 288526
Type of funding scheme: Coordination and Support action
Budget: EUR 663 868


  • Coordinator: Technische Universiteit Delft (Netherlands, Delft)

  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)

  • Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena (Germany)

  • Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain)

  • Itä-Suomen yliopisto (Finland)

  • Institut d'Optique Theorique et Appliquee Iota - Supoptique (France)

  • ITMO University (Russia)

  • Université Paris-Sud (France)

ITMO University Team

Research Laboratory for Computer-Aided Design of Optical-Information and Energy Saving Systems

Irina Livtshits, Head of Research Laboratory for Computer-Aided Design of Optical-Information and Energy Saving Systems

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