- Academic titleProfessor
- PostLead expert at the Department of Academic Affairs
- DegreePhD in engineering
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Alexander Shekhonin graduated with honors from the Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (now ITMO University) with a degree in optical devices and spectroscopy in 1970; was an engineer at the university’s research department (1970-1972) and a PhD student (1972-1975).
Throughout the years, Alexander Shekhonin worked as an assistant (1975-1977), an associate professor at the Department of Optical Device Theory (since 1996, the Department of Applied and Computer Optics; 1977-2000), the deputy head of the Optics Department (1981-1994), the head of the Department of Applied and Computer Optics (2000-2011), and the vice rector for teaching and studies (2011-2016) at ITMO University.
Alexander Shekhonin is a corresponding member of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences and the deputy chairman of the Council of the Educational and Methodological Association of Russian Universities for Education in Instrument Engineering and Optical Engineering. He is a qualified optical engineer and actively participates in organizing educational activities in optics and instrumentation in Russia.
Alexander Shekhonin received the Medal “In Memory of the 300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg” (2004). He is a laureate of the 2008 Russian Government Prize in the field of education for a complex of educational and research methodological developments “International Certification of Quality Systems of Russian Higher Professional Education.”
Professional interests
applied optics;
theory and design of optical systems and devices;
education structure, content, and organization;
quality of education;
informational and educational tools.
Over his career, Alexander Shekhonin has written more than 110 scientific, educational, and methodological papers, including:
Design of optical-electronic devices. Textbook. Moscow, Logos Publishing House, 2000, 488 p.;
Methodology of designing optical devices. Study guide. St. Petersburg, Publishing Center, 1996, 140 p.
Network technologies of remote learning. New knowledge, series of publications.
Network technology for distant system. Abstracts, NORDUN 1999, Conference, Lulea University, 1999, Sweden.
Domnenko V. M., Shekhonin A. A. Requirements for data structure in the automation of optical systems design. News of Universities. Instrumentation No. 3, 2003, pp. 66-69.