University Team

Andrey Karsakov Russian

Andrey Karsakov


Andrey Karsakov graduated from Togliatti State University with a degree in Industrial electronics in 2007. He has been working in the field of visualization, graphics and industrial design since 2005 and teaching three-dimensional modeling and design for students of design specialties since 2008.

Andrey has been working as an engineer in eScience Research Insitute of the ITMO University (the Visualization and Computer Graphics scientific group) since 2012. Since 2015, he has been leading the scientific research group Visualization and Computer Graphics at the eScience Research Insitute, that is focused on research and development in areas of interactive visualization, computer graphics and virtual reality applied to applied scientific fields (urban science, hydrometeorology, high-performance computing and infrastructure, hydrometeorology, medicine and health care, decision support, etc).
He defended his thesis on specialty 05.13.06 (PhD) on the topic of automating the process of staff training during preparation and holding of mass events in 2016. He has been directing GameCore community and developing initiative of the ITMO.GameDev that are aimed at supporting and developing student interest and skills in developing computer games since 2017. Now Andrey is the head of the Technology of computer games development master program.

Andrey’s major research interests are data visualization, 3d modelling, computer graphics, user interfaces and application of AR/VR. Andrey has 6+ industry experience in terms of visualization and computer graphics and extensive experience in national and international R&D projects. He also actively takes part in the development and implementation of supplementary educational activities for graduate students using various educational approaches (game-based learning, project-based learning, etc.).

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