University Team

Sergey Muravyov Russian

Sergey Muravyov



  • conduct research and publish papers;

  • teaching;

  • supervision.


2014 – Bachelor’s in applied mathematics and computer science, ITMO University;

2016 – Master’s in applied mathematics and computer science, ITMO University;

2019 – PhD in theoretical foundations of computer science, ITMO University.

Advanced training

2017 – Web Science Summer School 2017 (WWSSS'17).

Professional activity

2020-present – an assistant at the Information Technologies and Programming Faculty, ITMO University;

2016 – a programmer, ITMO University;

2014-2017 – a software engineer, LLC Special Technology Center;

2014 – a software engineer, ITMO University;

Professional interests

Automatic machine learning algorithms, optimization methods, clustering algorithms, time series analysis, and forecasting models.


2017 – a winner of the scholarship of the Government of St. Petersburg in the competition organized by the city’s Committee on Science and Higher Education.

Map Building plans

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