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Alexey Bobtsov Russian

Alexey Bobtsov



  • 1996 – graduated from St. Petersburg Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics;

  • 1999 – earned a PhD degree in system analysis, control, and data processing (thesis title: Synthesis of Dynamic and Adaptive Algorithms for Systems with Variable Parameters);

  • 2006 – earned a DSc degree in system analysis, control, and data processing (thesis title: Adaptive and Robust Control of Parametrically and Functionally Uncertain Objects under Conditions of Disturbances and Delays);

  • 2008 – earned a title of Professor in control systems and computer science. 


  • 2020 – a commendation from the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education; 

  • 2017 – a winner of the competition for grants by the Government of St. Petersburg for outstanding achievements in higher and secondary vocational education.

Alexey Bobtsov has 22 years of research and teaching experience under his belt. From 1999 to 2022, he has managed to work as an engineer, an assistant, an associate professor, and a professor, and currently works as a lead researcher at the Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics.

He has over 400 publications (according to the Russian Science Citation Index); his Scopus h-index is 25 and 28 in the Russian Science Citation Index. He has been an editor-in-chief of the Journal of Instrument Engineering (part of the VAK journals) since 2019. He is also on the editorial boards of the journals Automation and Remote Control (Scopus and WoS), Mechanics. Automation. Control (Scopus), and Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Scopus).

He is also a member of the following organizations:

  • Russian IFAC NMO;

  • The Scientific Council on Theory and Control Processes at the Department of Power Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

  • The Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission on management of computer technology and science (May 2017 - May 2022);

  • The Expert Council of the Russian Science Foundation (the Expert Council for the Presidential Program);

  • The international public organization “Academy of Navigation and Traffic Control;”

  • The European Control Association;

  • The Subcommittee on Nonlinear Systems of the International Federation for Automatic Control (IFAC) (member of the technical committee 2.3. Non-Linear Control Systems).

Alexey Bobtsov has supervised eight PhD and three DSc holders: 

  • Anton Pyrkin. Thesis title: Adaptive control under conditions of delay, incomplete information about parameters and system state variables. Specialization: 05.13.01 System Analysis, Control, and Data Processing. Year of defense: 2015;

  • Stanislav Aranovskiy. Thesis title: Identification methods for the synthesis of adaptive observers of nonlinear systems. Specialization: 05.13.01 System Analysis, Control, and Data Processing. Year of defense: 2016;

  • Sergey Kolyubin. Thesis title: Methods of indirect adaptive control and identification for mechatronic and robotic systems. Specialization: 05.13.01 System Analysis, Control, and Data Processing. Year of defense: 2018.

Dr. Bobtsov’s research interests include the theory of adaptive and robust systems, as well as the theory of nonlinear systems and objects with delay control and their applications.


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