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Sergei Khoruzhnikov Russian

Sergei Khoruzhnikov
  • Academic title
    Associate Professor
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    Head of Department for Information and Communication Infrastructure, Head of Center of Technical Support of University Infocommunication Systems (University Telecom Center), Dean of Faculty of Infocommunication Technologies, Head of International Laboratory "Networked Technologies in Distributed Computer Systems"
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Sergey Horuzhnikov graduated from the M.Kalinin Leningrad Polytechnic Institute with a degree in thermal physics. In 1984, he defended his PhD thesis.
S. Horuzhnikov has started to work as a junior researcher at the Leningrad Institute of fine mechanics and optics, and he was elected by contest to the post of assistant in 1985, then to the post of associate professor of the Faculty of thermal physics in 1986 and to the post of associate professor Faculty of computer technology in 1991. S. Horuzhnikov combines teaching and research activities successfully. He has research interests such as mathematical modeling of physical and chemical processes in the high-temperature gas that occur in the processes of formation in materials and structures for optoelectronics.
Since 1992 within the state program "Universities of Russia» Sergey has been participating in a number of projects of the computerization of schools and the creation of a computer network RUNNet (RussianUNiverstyNetwork) that unites them. Horuzhnikov became executive director of the republican scientific center of computer telecommunications networks of the higher school in 1995, which had functions of operator RUNNet, and provided integration of Russian universities in the international scientific and educational information area. He as part of the creative team was awarded the prize of the government of the Russian Federation in the area of education in 1999 for the development of scientific and organizational principles and establishment of a federal university computer network of higher education institutions RUNNet.
S. Horuzhnikov has been managing a number of regional and nationwide projects aimed at computerization of secondary education since 2002. Network infrastructure for educational institutions which has more than 800 users, is built and operated in St. Petersburg. Providing network-wide services (e-mail, posting sites, support domain names, etc.) with the integration of Russian and international educational environment are provided them. A system of remote access for rural schools in Russia to information and educational resources has been starting to operate and developing since 2003. This system is based on satellite equipment (receivers and transceiver stations); more 10,000 rural schools, are its subscribers. Regular training of information packets which include selected materials from various sources more than 15 headings which are transmitted to subscribers broadcast satellite from a control center is also provided for users of the system. Center of control and the support of this system is the scientific center of computer telecommunications of higher school whose director was appointed S. Horuzhnikov in 2002.
The scientific center of computer telecommunications of higher school attached to St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO) as its structural unit with the existing duties as part of the administrative reform in 2006.
S. Horuzhnikov responsible for the organization and coordination of the information environment; his activity is directly related to the creation and development of the University of Information Technologies,  he directs the center of authorized training and IT- technologies and scientific center of computer telecommunications of higher school.
S. Horuzhnikov started to work as a Dean of Faculty of Telecommunication Systems and Technologies in December 2010.


  • Khoruzhnikov S.E., Robachevsky A.M., Segal A.S. Numerical simulation of MOCVD-process for YBCO thin film fabrication in stagnation point reactor. Cryogenics, Volume 32, Supplement 1, 1992, Pages 612-615.
  • E.A. Garibin, S.E. Khoruzhnikov, I.A. Mironov, A.N. Vorob’yov . Numerical study of gasdynamics influence on three-dimensional transport phenomena in vertical zinc selenide LPCVD reactor. Materials Science & Engineering B39 (1996) р.р. 8-14.
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