University Structure

National Center for Cognitive Research

Alexander Boukhanovsky
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The main goal of ITMO’s National Center for Cognitive Research is to advance the development of machine learning systems and cognitive technologies, which serve as a foundation for artificial intelligence (AI) systems aimed at producing high-tech products and services for promising markets of the National Technology Initiative in the framework of a new-generation digital economy.

Apart from ITMO University, there are 17 other participants in the consortium:

  • participants responsible for setting objectives (these include such companies as MTC, CRT, Diakont, Gazprom Neft,, Delovye Linii, Er-Telecom Holding, etc.);
  • developers (the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, the Institute for System Programming (ISP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and others);
  • consumers, responsible for results implementation, and the center’s industrial partners and investment funds (FITS, ODK, CenterProgrammesystem, Distance Medicine, Skolkovo, St. Petersburg Technopark, etc.);
  • regulators, responsible for developing the center’s strategy and standardization.

The Center’s main areas of focus include:

1. R&D

The Center is engaged in the research and development of machine learning and cognitive technologies for new commercial products, as well as the implementation of AI technologies in the already existing commercial products in order to enhance their characteristics;

Among the Center’s key projects are:

  • Intelligent technologies for P4-medicine;
  • Intelligent biometry of the new generation;
  • Creative technologies in virtual environments;
  • Scalable technologies of conversational intelligence;
  • Intelligent transport technologies;
  • Intelligent technologies in digital production;
  • Quantum cognitive technology;
  • Intelligent telecommunication technologies;
  • Intelligent technologies for energy resources extraction and recycling;
  • Cognitive learning technologies of the new generation.

2. Education

The Center’s educational programs include:

I. Bachelor’s programs in the field of machine learning and cognitive technologies:

  • Applied AI;
  • Intelligent Technologies in Robotics.

II. Master’s programs in the field of machine learning and cognitive technologies:

  • Applied Artificial Intelligence;
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence;
  • Biometric Information Systems;
  • Speech Information Systems;
  • Cognitive Computing and Quantum Intelligence;
  • Big Data and Extreme Computing;
  • Semantic Systems and Knowledge Engineering;
  • Computer Games Development Technologies;
  • Management of Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems;
  • Digital Technologies of Smart Cities;
  • Urban Informatics;
  • Intelligent Technologies in Digital Production;
  • Intelligent Technologies in the Oil and Gas Industry;
  • Intelligent Medical Technologies.

III. Supplementary vocational education programs in the field of machine learning and cognitive technologies:

  • Machine Learning and Cognitive Technologies in Medicine;
  • Biometric and Speech Systems;
  • Conversational Intelligence Technologies;
  • Game Artificial Intelligence;
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems;
  • Intelligent Robotics;
  • Intelligent Technologies in Digital Production;
  • Intelligent Big Data Analysis;
  • Intelligent Technologies of Smart Cities;

IV. Autonomous disciplines and modules with the elements of machine learning and cognitive technologies for Master’s and supplementary vocational education programs, including those taught remotely.

V. Machine learning and cognitive technologies as the elements of digital culture. From their first to third year of studies, all ITMO University students attend a block of disciplines on Digital Culture, which includes several courses on the fundamentals of information and communication technologies, digital ethics, data processing and analysis, the fundamentals of AI, machine learning and cognitive technologies.

VI. Educational and outreach activities aimed at promoting the AI methodology and culture in non-specific audiences.

3. Infrastructure

Among the Center’s main objectives regarding infrastructure are:

  • development and implementation of a cloud-based digital platform aimed at controlling the life cycle of objects, systems, and products that use machine learning and cognitive technologies;
  • development of virtual areas for modeling of multiscale real-world processes aimed at testing objects and systems that use machine learning and cognitive technologies; providing remote access to them via cloud-based services;
  • establishment of a technological base for research and education in the field of machine learning and cognitive technologies at ITMO University (ITMO Highpark).
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