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- Information Technologies and Programming Faculty
- International Laboratory "Intelligent Technologies for Socio-Cyberphysical Systems»
- Research Center “Strong AI in Industry”
- Faculty of Infocommunication Technologies
- International Research Laboratory "Multimodal Biometric and Speech Systems"
- Artificial Intelligence Technologies Faculty
- Institute of Translational Medicine
- Institute of Design & Urban Studies
- Corporate Laboratory of Human-Machine Interaction Technologies
- Corporate Laboratory of Complex Digital Solutions
- Institute of Applied Computer Science
- Game Development School
ITMO University is one of the leading Russian universities in the field of Programming, Big Data, Computer Science, and Information Technologies both in Russia and abroad, and the School of Translational Information Technologies trains highly-qualified specialists in these fields. The School of Translational Information Technologies is aimed at training highly-qualified specialists in such fields as software development and Internet technologies.
Among the School’s key research areas are:
- computer networks and telecommunication systems;
- software development;
- telecommunication systems and technologies;
- translational medicine;
- cyber technologies;
- urban science;
- human-machine interaction technologies;
- bio-informatics, etc.
The University is the only seven-time world champion of the Association for Computing Machinery International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC). The School’s graduates lead successful careers in world-famous IT companies in Russia and all over the world.
Among the School’s partners are such universities as:
- University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- University of Jyvaskyla (Finland)
- Washington University in St. Louis (US)
- University of Eastern Finland (Finland)
- Lulea University (Sweden)
- Aalto University (Finland)
- ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
- Nanyang Technological University (Singapore).